Mrs. Norian - Learn From Failure
Mrs. Norian shares an experience of how she learned from failure to succeed as a runner. Thank you for sharing your story!
General Magic - Learn From Failure
Mr. Padilla watched the documentary, General Magic, and wanted to share a great Learn From Failure story he got from the movie. Spoiler alert, it showcased that even people who are considered to be the best in their field, can still fail, but use those lessons to go on and change the world.
Hadi - Learn From Failure
Hadi, from Bogert School, shares his story about how he overcame fear and learned from failure!
Lorelai - Learn From Failure
Lorelai, from Bogert School shares her story about how she persevered and learned from failure!
Ms. Capollari - Learn From Failure
Ms Capollari, Bogert Spanish teacher, shares a college failure experience that helped her find her true passion.