Welcome to Seventh Grade English Language Arts!
Ms. Gareffa
Room 18
Feel free to contact me for any reason at jgareffa@usrschoolsk8.com / 201-961-6400 x3018.
Need a little extra support? Please see me after school Tuesday - Thursday. In addition, I am also available via email and google meet.
I'm happy to help:)
To ensure success, students must bring the following to class:
⭐ fully charged Chromebook
⭐ ELA notebook (3-subject)
⭐ reading & writing folders
⭐ pencil, blue or black pen and colored pens / pencils
⭐ sticky notes
⭐ independent reading book (IRB)
⭐ homework planner
⭐ highlighter
⭐ colored pencils
⭐ suggested: hand sanitizer, tissues (for extra credit!)
Once students are in class:
✅ Stay on task at all times
✅ Raise your hand
✅ Be respectful to our classroom community
✅ Gum, candy and snacks are NOT permitted
What if I…. (Q & A)
Forgot something at home or forgot to charge my Chromebook? It is your responsibility to come to class prepared. There are some supplies in class for students to use / borrow. However, one point is deducted from your Preparation grade (maximum of 10 points) for each day assignments are not completed OR for each day a Chromebook is not charged. Students may not leave class to borrow loaners for uncharged Chromebooks.
Have to go to the bathroom? Please be respectful by waiting until I am not directly teaching and then create a pass on SmartPass. One student is permitted out at a time.
What if I’m absent?
Ask a classmate about missed work and check Google Classroom for notes / materials you may have missed.
Take the initiative to hand in anything that was due while you were absent the next day / email me if you are unclear.
Turn in an assignment late?
One point per day is deducted for late assignments. I will not accept assignments turned in more than one week past the due date.
Need a water break?
Water bottles only are permitted in class. Remember: no snacks, candy or gum.
What if I just don’t get it, am having difficulty or wish Ms. Gareffa knew something about me that would help me succeed?
Please talk to me. If you put in the effort, then I am here to help and to lend support.