In the event your child will be absent or late, you need to notify the school even if you have notified the teacher. To report an absence or lateness, the district is requesting that all parents/guardians submit student absences/lateness by 8:00 a.m.  online via the Genesis Parent Portal:


    Instructions for parents on how to submit an absence have been posted on the District website:

     ( https://www.usrschoolsk8.com/cms/lib/NJ50000166/Centricity/Domain/4/Log%20Student%20Attendance%20in%20the%20Genesis%20Parent%20Portal.pdf )

    If you know in advance that your child will be absent for any reason, please also submit the absence using the online portal.  If you are having trouble reporting a student absence/lateness online, you can call the Attendance Office, 201-961-6376.  There is a voice mail system that is operable 24 hours daily. Please provide your child’s name, classroom teacher, date(s) of absence, and a detailed reason for the absence.

    If an absence is not reported, we will contact you to ensure the safe whereabouts of your child. If you would like homework for your child, you should contact the Reynolds Greeter at 201-961-6300, extension 3,  prior to 8:15.