• Curriculum and Class Resources


    Please visit the Quad District Curriculum page for information on the grade level curriculum in each subject area.


    Classroom Resources


    Please use Clever to access the software below.

    So many passwords and websites!! We have a great tool to use at Bogert School, which will help us to easily access some of our log-ins, websites and passwords. 

    1) Go to the Bogert homepage
    2) Scroll down and click on the link titled “Student Single Sign On” located in the middle of the screen.
    3) Click on the “Log in with Google” link
    4) You will be prompted to enter a SCHOOL ASSIGNED gmail account. Enter your username (first initial & last name) followed by: @student.usrschoolsk8.com and click “Next” ex: esamimi@student.usrschoolsk8.com
    5) Enter your SCHOOL ASSIGNED password (numbers) and click “Sign In” ex: 20546
    6) You may be prompted to click “Accept” or “Allow”
    7) Click on the App you want to go to and you will be auto-logged in to the correct website!


    • McGraw Hill Everyday Math
    • Learning.com
    • IXL
    • Discovery Education
    • WeVideo