• Behavioral Discipline

    All school codes of conduct are in effect during the district ACE program. Those students who choose not to follow the code of conduct can be subjected to consequences for misbehavior. Consequences for misbehavior can include:

    • Time out with site coordinator during ACE

    • Behavior Contract or Reflection Sheet

    • Phone Call or Meeting with Parent and ACE Program & Student Support Coordinator

    • Immediate child pick-up from ACE

    • Short/Long Term Suspension from ACE

    • Lunch/Recess Detention during school


    *Please note: All school codes of conduct can be found on each school’s webpages.


    If a child exhibits any behaviors that involve intent to purposely harm themselves, other students, or the team members, the parent(s) will be called to pick up the child immediately and the student will be suspended from the program. 


    ** Should your child require special care you MUST inform the ACE Coordinator of Services (ace@usrschoolsk8.com) prior to the first day of their attendance at the program **


    If an incident occurs regarding serious behaviors, the team member or site coordinator who witnessed the event will fill out an incident behavioral report, detailing what happened. The site coordinator will discuss the incident with the parent at pickup. Children who do not behave will be removed from the program at the discretion of the ACE Coordinator of Services and/or site coordinator. If your child is removed from the program due to behavior, no refund will be granted.