• Attendance/ Day Changes

    Attendance/Day Changes

    In order to maintain safety for all children during our aftercare program, sign up days must be consistent. The days you sign up for your child(ren) must remain consistent for the semester.   


    No day changes will be permitted during the semester.   


    Please email ace@usrschoolsk8.com or contact Ann McGovern (201-961-6506) if you have further questions regarding registration or payment. 


    If your child is absent from school, please notify the main office of your child’s school, and email ace@usrschoolsk8.com to notify us of your child’s absence. If your child is in school and will not be reporting to ACE on their regularly scheduled days for any other reason (i.e. play date, sports, left school early due to illness, etc.), it is the parents’ responsibility to inform ACE via email (ace@usrschoolsk8.com).    


    Please note: If your child is at a school-approved activity, they may return to ACE directly from said activity. However, should your child leave school property for any reason such as a playdate, doctor, private extra-curricular activity etc., they will not be permitted to return to the program for the day. 


    We cannot assume responsibility for your child until he/she checks in. If under any circumstance your child does not report directly to aftercare when scheduled to arrive, the parents/guardians will be contacted. If the parent cannot be reached we will call the emergency contacts. If the emergency contacts cannot be reached, staff will call the local police to report the missing child.