• abc

    The ABCs of 2nd Grade

    Attendance - Please notify the office if your child is going to be absent. 201.961.6376

    Birthday – You are welcome to send in a HEALTHY snack on the day of your child’s birthday, to be shared during snack time. Please notify me at least 1 day in advance and let me know what will be provided. Treats may be left with the main office in the morning. Summer birthdays will be celebrated in June. 

    Classroom – Mrs. Passanante’s classroom is Rm. 120

    Discipline - Positive reinforcement is emphasized in the classroom.


    Folders - Students will have a take-home folder that will go home each night and contain newsletters, notes, student work and notices. Please review nightly and send back to school with your child each day.

    Gym – Students should wear sneakers on A, D and E days.

    Homework – Homework is given to reinforce concepts taught in class.

    Important – If your child is not going home their regular way, I must have a note from you. If your child’s dismissal changes during the day, please call and leave a message with the MAIN OFFICE, not on my voicemail.

    ***If your child is going to be dismissed through a different exit, without the supervision of an adult, you must send in a note with specific details.

    Just Right Books – Students will be assessed to determine their reading level and have opportunities to borrow classroom books at their independent reading level.

    Kindness - Students are expected to treat all members of the class with kindness and understanding.

    Lunch - We eat lunch from 10:50-11:30 each day. 

    Medications - If medication is to be taken during school hours, it must be sent to the Health Office, along with the required form.

    Nutritious Snack – Please send in a nutritious snack and a drink each day. We have snack in the afternoon. 

    Our Special Schedule

    A day


    P.E. with Mr. Ramirez

    B day


    Spanish with Mrs. Cook

    C day


    Technology/ Media with Mrs. Cucci 

    D day


    P.E. with Mr. Ramirez

    E day




    P.E. with Mr. Ramirez


    Performing Arts with Ms. Alberta

    F day


    Art with Mrs. Rockwell

    Possessions- Should be marked with your child’s name.

    Questions or Concerns – Please feel free, at any time, to send a note with your child or call me at 201-961-6300 x 2120.

    Reading - Spend time reading with your child each night.

    Scholastic Book Club - Each month you will have the opportunity to purchase books through Scholastic. If you choose to order, please do not send cash. Order online using the code GZGRJ

    Tardiness – School begins at 7:50am. If your child is late, they must go to the Attendance Office to receive a late pass.

    Unique – Students will learn that they are special and unique. They will be given opportunities to share their culture and learn about other cultures within the class.

    Visitors – All visitors must report to the office and receive a visitor pass.

    We Are A Team - Please feel free to come and talk to me any time you have comments, concerns, or questions regarding your child.

    Xtra Special Attention - If there is something taking place in your child's life that is not in the ordinary routine, such as a death in the family, a pet running away, a parent has gone on a business trip, etc..., please let me know. I do not need to know specific details, but it is very helpful to know if a child needs a little extra attention and an understanding ear.

    YOU – You are the most important person in your child’s life!

    Zzzs - Be sure your child gets plenty of rest. Kindergarten can be very busy and quite tiring for your child!