

    The Learning Lab

    Our Learning Lab program is based on the Response to Intervention (RTI) model. RTI is a multi-tiered approach to early intervention. Teachers use data to target students' individual needs and inform instruction.

    The Learning Lab program is coordinated with the classroom curriculum and provides supportive services for the students.  Children receive supportive instruction daily by working one-to-one or in small groups with a Learning Lab teacher.  The Learning Lab is not special education.

    The Learning Lab math program is designed to build foundational skills to support the Everyday Mathematics program which is used in your child's classroom. We play games and do activities to support your child's basic number sense. Having a strong foundation in basic math skills helps your child to be successful when doing math in the classroom and beyond!


    Math Activities to Try at Home

    Play Top-It

    1. Each player takes a card from the top of the pile, turns it over, and says the number on the card.
    2. The player who has the larger number takes both cards.
    3. If the two cards show the same number, each player takes another card from the top of the pile. The player with the larger number then takes all of the cards facing up.
    4. The game is over when all of the cards have been taken. The player with more cards wins.


    • Put cards in order from 0-5, 0-10, or 0-20
    • Count in everyday life
    • Count the steps as you walk up or down
    • Count how long it takes to do something (put on shoes, write your name)
    • Count place settings at the table
    • Count to 100 everyday
    • Practice counting backwards from 10, 20, or even 100!
    • Re-enact the New Year’s countdown
    • Count backwards to begin an activity (“5, 4, 3, 2, 1, go!”)
    • Read 1- and 2-digit numbers in your environment
    • House numbers
    • Prices
    • Signs 
    • Play with dominos
    • Play Top-It (see directions above, but use dominos instead of cards)


    Play Memory Match

    Spread the dominos face down. The first player turns over any two dominos. If they are a pair (i.e. have the same total number of dots), the player removes the dominos and scores a point. If they are not a pair, both dominos are turned back down in their places. The second player then turns over two dominos and so on. When all the dominos have been matched, the player with more pairs wins.


    Basic Skills Math

    Our Basic Skills program is based on the Response to Intervention (RTI) model. RTI is a multi-tiered approach to early intervention. Teachers use data to target students' individual needs and inform instruction.

    The Basic Skills program is coordinated with the classroom curriculum and provides supportive services to the students. It is not a replacement for math in the classroom. Children receive supportive instruction daily by working one to one or in small groups.

    The basic skills math program is designed to support the Everyday Mathematics program which is used in your child's classroom. Students work on math skills and strategies within a small group setting.

    The Everyday Mathematics program offers the students a broad background in mathematics. It offers a problem-solving approach based on everyday situations, a variety of formats for frequent practice of basic skills, an instructional approach that revisits concepts regularly and a curriculum that explores mathematical content beyond basic Arithmetic.​​​​​​​​​​​​

    In the Learning Lab, we play games and do activities to support your child's mathematics foundation. Having a strong foundation in basic math skills helps your child to be successful when doing math in the classroom and beyond!


    Math Activities to Try at Home

    Play Top-It

    1. Each player takes a card from the top of the pile, turns it over, and says the number on the card.
    2. The player who has the larger number takes both cards.
    3. If the two cards show the same number, each player takes another card from the top of the pile. The player with the larger number then takes all of the cards facing up.
    4. The game is over when all of the cards have been taken. The player with more cards wins.


    • Put cards in order from 0-5, 0-10, or 0-20
    • Count in everyday life
    • Count the steps as you walk up or down
    • Count how long it takes to do something (put on shoes, write your name)
    • Count place settings at the table
    • Count to 100 everyday
    • Practice counting backwards from 10, 20, or even 100!
    • Re-enact the New Year’s countdown
    • Count backwards to begin an activity (“5, 4, 3, 2, 1, go!”)
    • Read 1- and 2-digit numbers in your environment
    • House numbers
    • Prices
    • Signs 
    • Play with dominos
    • Play Top-It (see directions above, but use dominos instead of cards)


    Play Memory Match

    Spread the dominos face down. The first player turns over any two dominos. If they are a pair (i.e. have the same total number of dots), the player removes the dominos and scores a point. If they are not a pair, both dominos are turned back down in their places. The second player then turns over two dominos and so on. When all the dominos have been matched, the player with more pairs wins.