Please remember to
every night!
The Learning Lab
Our Learning Lab program is based on the Response to Intervention (RTI) model. RTI is a multi-tiered approach to early intervention. Teachers use data to target students' individual needs and inform instruction. The Learning Lab program is coordinated with the classroom curriculum and provides supportive services for the students. Children receive supportive instruction daily by working one to one or in small groups. The Learning Lab is not special education.
Be Sure to Read at Home
You can help your child develop in reading by providing a literature-rich environment for him/her. Read to him/her as much as possible to model fluency and expression. Talk to him/her about the stories you read. Make it fun as you check for understanding by talking about funny parts or favorite parts. Ask questions about the characters, setting, problem and solution in the stories and ask him/her to retell the stories focusing on the main events in the beginning, middle and end.
Be proud of your child's accomplishments. When your child gets frustrated, keep your cool and be a cheerleader for him/her. Watch your child's confidence and pride soar as he/she see how excited YOU are about his/her reading.
Literacy Activities to Try at Home
Click on these links for information and activities to learn about and support key literacy components to further help your child at home
* Rhyming
Have fun rhyming words, read books with rhyming words and sing songs with words that rhyme.
* Have your child repeat clapping patterns
* Recite the alphabet
* Count or clap syllables in words
* Give a word and have your child clap the word in syllables
* Give a word and ask your child for the sound at the beginning and/or end of the word
* Have your child list words that begin with a certain letter sound
* Make or buy letter cards and practice letter names and sounds
* Make or buy 2 letter card decks and play memory match
* Match uppercase and lowercase letters
* When ready, blend consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words (ex. pit, fog)