Dr. Lauren Schoen 
    Interim Superintendent of Schools                                 

    Carrieann DeVito, M.Ed.
    Director of Special Education

    The Upper Saddle River Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) was developed in 2008 to facilitate positive communication between parents and school staff, as well as to fulfill the requirements of the New Jersey Administrative code 6A:14-1.2(h):

    "Each Board of Education shall ensure that a special education parent advisory group is in place in the district to provide input to the district on issues concerning students with disabilities."

    The Upper Saddle River SEPAC will work in cooperation with the Director of Special Services in an advisory capacity to:

    • Facilitate communication of services and information for families of children with special needs.
    • Provide advisory information on issues pertaining to special education services in the district.
    • Establish goals for maintaining high-quality special education programs and services.
    • Foster parent involvement in parent education resources.

    The SEPAC committee will be comprised of nine to eleven members, with representation as follows:

    • Two parents from each of the three schools
    • Two parents with students in out-of-district placements
    • One parent from the preschool program
    • One or two general education representatives

    If you would like to be a member of the SEPAC board, please contact Carrieann DeVito, Director of Special Education, at cdevito@usrschoolsk8.com, by September 15th.

    Representative Contact Information

    SEPAC encourages parents who may have questions about special education to contact their home school or out of district representative listed below.  




    Reynolds Elementary

    Kristine Mollema


    Bogert Elementary

    Kristine Mollema


    Cavallini Middle School

    Traci Altman


    Any parent who wishes to discuss an issue directly with the Director of Special Education is encouraged to contact Carrieann DeVito directly at cdevito@usrschoolsk8.com.