Dr. Repollet, the Commissioner of the NJ DOE, and Kimberly Dickstein, the NJ Teacher of the Year, celebrate Blue Ribbon recognition with Bogert! It was an incredible assembly!
Bogert students kicked off the Bobcat Book Club program during Read A Latte. This year, students will be reading A Boy Called Bat by Elana K Arnold. We hope that our families enjoy reading this book together throughout the month!
Bogert students are paying it forward. Students joined the DPW in participating in the Second Chance Toys NJ Recycling Center Program to collect and donate toys and keep plastics out of landfills.
Rosemarie Malloy, Anti-Bullying Specialist Bogert School 391 W. Saddle River Road Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 Email: rmalloy@usrschoolsk8.com Telephone: 201-961-6350
David Kaplan, Anti-Bullying Coordinator Bogert Elementary School 391 W. Saddle River Road Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 Email: dkaplan@usrschoolsk8.com Telephone: (201) 961-6350