Ms. Ardito is the district’s occupational therapist. She recently led an OT group activity in the Archways PreSchool class with the assistance of classroom teacher Ms. Schiff and paraprofessionals Ms. Rohdieck and Ms. Vido.
Ms. Fennell is the district’s physical therapist. She facilitates individual, small group and whole class PT sessions.
Ms. Diverio, speech therapist, works with students at Reynolds and Bogert in both individual and small group sessions.
Ms. Lane, speech therapist, works with students in PreK to grade 5 in both individual and small group sessions.
Ms. Stern, speech therapist, works with individual and small groups of students in grades K-8 in speech and language development.
6:30 PM - 10:00 PM USR Basketball - Bogert Gym
6:30 PM - 10:00 PM USR Basketball - Cavallini Gym
6:30 PM - 10:00 PM USR Basketball - Reynolds Gym
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM USR Rec Youth Basketball
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM USR Men's Basketball
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM USR Special Needs Sports Basketball
6:15 PM - 7:00 PM Bogert Chorus Town Hall Holiday Meeting Place
6:30 PM - 10:00 PM USR Basketball - Travers MPR
2024 District Performance Report2022-23 Start Strong Summary Results
ARP ESSER Use of Funds Plan
After Care Experience (ACE) Information Session - REGISTRATION IS FULLACE Registration link:
Milk Order Information 2024 - 2025
Emergency Virtual or Remote Instructional Plan 2024/2025 School Year
LEA Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Instruction
Application for Parent-Paid Transportation for the 2024/25 School Year
Log Student Attendance in the Genesis Parent Portal
Registration for the 2024/2025 School Year
2024/2025 IPM Posting
2024-2025 Voluntary Student Accident Insurance
Lead Testing Results
2022/2023 School Performance Reports
NJ Parent LinkAnnouncing the State of New Jersey's newest Website, NJ Parent Link, The Early Childhood, Parenting, and Professional Resource Center
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