• ​Bogert Enrichment Program​
    ​Welcome to Bogert Enrichment!


    Mrs. Caravela can be reached at acaravela@usrschoolsk8.com
    201-961-6530 X 6365

    The goal of the Bogert School Enrichment program is to provide able learners with academically stimulating experiences that nurture interests and abilities. The program builds on the existing curricula to provide lessons and experiences that are challenging, meaningful and appropriate for the needs of the students. The Enrichment Specialist works with groups of identified students on curriculum-related and interest-based activities. Higher-level thinking strategies, critical thinking and collaboration are encouraged in all lessons and independent study projects.​ We offer schoolwide opportunities, targeted enrichment and pull out enrichment for students who meet the Quad District criteria.


    Current Events League 2024-25
    In late November, fourth and fifth graders are given the option of taking a qualifying pre-test. The top-scoring students are invited to join a Current Events League where students compete in three meets and are tested on their knowledge of current events in the areas of general news, arts and entertainment, science, business and finance, and sports. This year we are using Newzbrain

    5th Grade Restaurant Entrepreneur Projects!

    Please view our presentations:
    (You need PowerPoint on your computer to view these projects)

    Black and White​

    All Year Round: A Season-Themed Restaurant​​​​​